Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Annual Eco-Illumination Retreat

::Manifest your reality into this amazing journey through your mind, body, spirit and deeper conscience of your being::
{come join me into the jungle of secluded Yelapa on a journey through your soul - together we will experience a deeper practice of our yoga, meditation and environmental respect.}

Intentions... it seems as though it is a simple concept, but to truly engage your being to fully manifest your intentions into the reality that you desire through your journey is more than just thinking about what it could be like. The energy that is invested into those thoughts and manifestations take a deep concentration, meditation, positive energy and acceptance of what the divine universe provides for you during the exact moment that you need it.

The most challenging part is recognizing these moments and fully accepting what the universe provides for you without having judgement or hesitation. We must realize the potential we all have within ourselves and know deep within our being that we are worthy of the goodness that the world provides for us. With that knowledge, we must also recognize that in accepting the gifts that the universe provides - we must also acknowledge that we too must return those positive gifts back into our community.

I encourage my community of energy healers, body workers, and spiritual facilitators to recognize the grace in which we receive and accept in our day to day practice - and in return pass on that wonderful energy to facilitate the flow of positivity to our clients, friends and community members. This in return will expand their awareness and their spiritual practice. Together we grow as one, and together we are deeply connected to one another on a higher path of conciseness that we can all grow and create this incredible life journey together.

Thank you for all my guides on my path to enlightenment, my teachers who strive to show my patience, and for all the future lessons I will learn from facilitators who selflessly give so much to provide me with the lessons that I need to learn exactly in that moment.


::Please join us on this amazing journey through the mind, body, spirit, ecological footprint, biological nature hikes with 3 sessions of meditation and yoga sessions. You will be renewed and will never regret making the leap of faith to experience this life changing journey::