Sunday, April 17, 2011

Introspective Realities

"Set yourself free from the past, bring peace into your life, and move into the present by letting go of your anger and bitterness."
There will always be times in your life where you are faced with people who are rude, passive aggressive, and go out of their way to make you feel uncomfortable. I am not naive to think that when I encounter these interactions that I am not responsible to the negative energy put out towards me. To think otherwise is just irresponsible. Every challenge I have met in life - whether personally or professionally, I try to look at myself to determine what I've done to create this negative energy.

Recently I have come across one of those life lessons through a person who wants to make sure I know that I have done something so offensive that she will actually pretend that I don't exist. At first it really bothered me. I live my life with intention and try to be a good listener and have an open heart to all people who enter my life. What is the lesson that I need to learn through this person's erratic and rude behavior towards me? It's easy to say that it's just them. That it's their problem and I'm perfect... but that's usually not the case, is it?

Although I don't have intentions to try and mend this friendship (since I've already tried) - I do intend to look at myself to discover what lesson it is that I need to learn in order to let go of this negative energy and move forward. No matter what, we will always run into people like this in our lifetime. We can get angry, upset, or even cry - but the bigger lesson here is to figure out how to acknowledge our faults and move on. Let it go... which can be one of the most challenging things to do.

So this week after a month of meditation and emotional struggle, I've decided to continue my life with the best of intentions and let go of any negative energy directed at me. I am the first to admit I am not perfect, and I am the first to apologize for any harm I've caused. But if someone cannot accept that and move forward, that is their issue and not mine.

I can only control my own destiny, and right now that energy is focused on graduating in June, taking adventures with my partner, and surrounding myself with people who are trying to do good things in life.

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