Friday, July 9, 2010


Finally made it to Amsterdam two nights ago, and boy did we have a good time! There were four of us and we went in the late afternoon/early evening, so weren't able to see any of the famous museums. Although we did get to check out the "sex museum"which was pretty funny! Natasha was our unspoken tour guide since she had been able to check it out one day, and led me, Tim and Andrew around the city center. It was just like I had pictured, canals, cool tall skinny buildings, and of course lots and lots of "coffee"shops and sex shops.

We walked through the red light district, and not exactly knowing what to expect - I was shocked on how beautiful the women were. Although I have seen prostitutes before, these women were in clean rooms, looked fairly clean (whatever that means), and were just hanging in the doorway almost naked waiting for some action. I think that it's cool that they are regulated and I assume are in safe situations. Although I could not imagine what it would be like to have that as my career!

We drank lots of beers, partook in some coffee shops and mostly just had fun hanging out in a new environment. We caught a late train back, and didn't get home until 2:30a.m. So for embracing my inner old lady!

I finally rented a bicycle!!! It is so fun, and a girl in our group found a place that rents them for 25 Euro a week! I cruised around all afternoon, and a friend Trae and I went to meet our professor (Pendras) for beers. It was just the 3 of us, and we had a great time just talking and debating about different topics. It is so nice to have a professor who is willing to spend time with you and just open up about ideas and opinions. Thanks Mark!

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